성공 케이스
어드밴텍 WISE-iEMS, YC그룹 에너지절약 및 탄소감축 목표 추진
2023/9/15대표적인 PVC 및 OPP(Oriented Polypropylene) 테이프 제조업체인 YC그룹은 지속가능한 운영을 위해 기업지배구조, 인재양성, 운영변혁, 에너지절약 및 탄소저감 등 4개 분야에서 혁신을 추진하고 있으며, 사람 중심의 기업문화를 실천하고 있습니다.
어드밴텍은 Chuan Kai Electric이 종합적인 디지털 변혁을 달성하도록 도왔고, WISE-iEMS는 회사가 단지 전체에서 에너지를 관리하도록 돕는 데 필수적인 역할을 하여, Chuan Kai Electric이 지속 가능성에 대한 의지를 입증하고 탄소 배출 제로를 달성하도록 도왔습니다.
"EY와 어드밴텍의 협력은 더 많은 기업이 탄소 감축 목표를 달성하고, 순 제로 행성에 대한 비전을 함께 실현하는 데 도움이 될 것입니다."—E&Y의 ESG 전략 및 지속 가능성 서비스 부사장 Brian Lin
세계 최대의 개별 반도체 및 수동 전자 부품 제조업체인 Vishay 그룹은 아시아 태평양 지역의 15개 공장에 어드밴텍의 WISE-iEMS 지능형 에너지 관리 솔루션을 점진적으로 배포할 계획입니다.
Leveraging Advantech’s WISE-PaaS cloud platform, Everest Textile successfully implemented data visualization management and significantly improved the quality of its waterproof membranes, while realizing its goal of intelligent textile production.
Shanghai Lingang Pilot Free Trade Zone adopted Advantech’s smart energy and building management solution in an effort to reduce costs and increase smart industrial park management efficiency. This solution implements real-time energy monitoring and green management for smart parks.
Everest Textile enhances smart manufacturing with Advantech's IoTSuite, driving improved quality, efficiency, and digital transformation in textile production.
Here’s a recap of the 2024 Advantech WISE-IoT Partnering for the Future event! Industry leaders gathered to explore IoT’s potential, with Advantech showcasing its latest innovations in smart manufacturing, energy management, and device orchestration.
IoTSuite, AIoT Development Toolset
2024/6/18How to integrate IT & OT, and even leverage generative AI to scale business operations? IoTSuite converges data across departments, enabling smarter decisions, optimized processes, and enhanced productivity. Transform your data into insights with IoTSuite!
WISE-IoT Solution for Hospitality
2024/3/13WISE-IoT Solution for Hospitality_Mark Leorna
WISE-Solution for Energy & Carbon Management_Jophei Yu
WISE-IoT Partner Program
2024/3/13WISE-IoT Partner Program_Alice Wang
WISE-IoT Solution 01 IoTSuite: AI+Industrial IoT Platform & Toolkit
WISE-IoT Solution for Smart Manufacturing_Henry Chen
Dive into the future of business with Advantech! Discover how WISE-IoT orchestration leverages data, cloud computing, and generative AI to boost business growth and efficiency across diverse industries.
How WISE-IoT Orchestration Empowers Business Digitization for Future Success
How WISE-IoT Orchestration Empowers Business Digitization for Future Success_Jerry O'Gorman
WISE-Marketplace_Cooper Lu
Advantech's WISE-iEMS intelligent energy management system is an all-in-one smart energy solution that provides comprehensive management solutions for enterprises, including carbon asset and carbon inventory management (ISO14064/ISO14067), energy management (including energy declaration, ISO50001), and quipment energy efficiency management.
Advantech's WISE-iEMS intelligent energy management system is an all-in-one smart energy solution that provides comprehensive management solutions for enterprises, including carbon asset and carbon inventory management (ISO14064/ISO14067), energy management (including energy declaration, ISO50001), and quipment energy efficiency management.
As a collaborative partner in the iEMS business network, iRev has exemplified the synergy of working within our eco-system. This collaboration is aimed at enhancing the market with ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) values.
iEMS 2024 eCatalog
2024/5/1Advantech's WISE-iEMS technology offers a comprehensive smart energy solution for corporate carbon asset management (ISO 14064/ISO 14067), energy management (ISO 50001), HVAC and compressed air efficiency, and motor efficiency. It is the ideal partner for global enterprises on their journey to carbon neutrality, providing solutions for carbon and e
EdgeSync 360, an advanced Edge-as-a-Service solution, features EdgeLink, DeviceOn, WebAccess, and EdgeHub, is engineered to transform how industries manage their edge devices and data. Together, they enhance operational efficiency, security, and data-driven decision-making in industrial environments.
최근 중국 공업정보화부 산업발전촉진센터가 주최한 제1회 에너지 전자 산업 혁신 대회에서 어드밴텍의 지능형 에너지 관리 솔루션인 WISE-iEMS가 주요 단말기 애플리케이션 트랙에서 우수상을 수상했습니다.
중국의 지딩테크(ZHIDING TECH)는 최근 2023년 '린윈 어워드(Lingyun Award)' 수상자를 발표했습니다. 이 중에서 어드밴텍(Advantech)의 WISE-iEMS가 2023년 '듀얼 탄소(Dual Carbon)' 혁신 솔루션 어워드를 수상했습니다. 이는 어드밴텍이 스마트하고 저탄소, 지속 가능한 발전을 향한 노력에서 중요한 성과를 이룬 것입니다.
This certification demonstrates the strength and capability of iEMS/ECOWatch, which is comparable to the world's leading energy management products. It also highlights Advantech's commitment to innovation and product stability.