서비스 아키텍처
WISE-IoTSuite/Dashboard is an open plug-in architecture. It’s data source and display components support the development of plugins. It provides numerous data access and display panel options as default, enabling users to build applications quickly.
WISE-IoTSuite/Dashboard product usage scenarios:
- Reporting tool: This selection of display panels can be connected to various data sources to deliver expertly-presented daily reports.
- Large-screen situation room tool: This tool is used to assemble large data screens in situation rooms. It enables the adaptive installation of large high-resolution screens.
- Mobile reports: Reports can be viewed anytime and anywhere via mobile devices
- I.App building tool: SRP-Frame can build I.Apps for diverse applications quickly
- Support report export: pages can be exported to PDF, Excel files, scheduling and instant tasks are supported, and emails are automatically sent.