Blockchain Notarius®

Blockchain Notarius®
Blockchain Notarius®

서비스 아키텍처


Blockchain Notarius® is a basic application and service of ElA blockchain, a unique project built by a community of private companies as a reliable platform for industry and trade, and also as a public authority for communication and registration of digital property.

Membership of the node owner community is open for trustworthy corporate bodies. The membership application form can be found at’s-try

Blockchain Notarius includes an administrator interface, via which login data for the private section of the application can be provided to any of a node owner’s customers or partners. Only the private section of the Blockchain Notarius application provides the service of registration of data files on the blockchain.

Verification is a public service. All node owners are obligated to provide it on their nodes, free of charge. Anybody can open the public part of Blockchain Notarius on any node of the ElA blockchain and verify a document. The list of website addresses of all nodes in the ElA blockchain network is published on


The public list of ElA blockchain nodes on


Private part of Blockchain Notarius application for easy registration of any digital document


Public part of Blockchain Notarius enabling the verification of registered document

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