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Industry News You Must Know

Congrats to WISE-iEMS ECOWatch on achieving certification from TUV for ISO50001 Energy Management System

This certification demonstrates the strength and capability of iEMS/ECOWatch, which is comparable to the world's leading energy management products. It also highlights Advantech's commitment to innovation and product stability.

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  • Advantech Utilizes WISE-PaaS/APM as a Service Framework to Promote High-Compatibility Device-to-Cloud Cold Chain Solutions

    With the help of Advantech's WISE-PaaS/APM, it is easy to extensively interface with diverse field devices and communication protocols, and provide large-volume equipment management and workflow integration templates across different fields.

  • Worry-Free Voyage: SaierNico joins with Advantech’s WISE-PaaS to Develop Advanced Smart Vessels

    Based on the WISE-PaaS industrial IoT data application platform, SaierNico built an integrated remote management system for data acquisition, transmission, cloud platform configuration modeling, data analysis and visualization—realizing real-time vessel perception and greatly reducing the operation and maintenance cost of smart vessels.

  • Advantech's Edge-To-Cloud Solution Powered by WISE-PaaS Creates an AI Equipment Monitoring and Diagnosis Cloud Platform for Steel Plants

    An internationally renowned steel company introduced the AI value-added equipment diagnostics edge-to-cloud solution of Advantech WISE-PaaS to improve the equipment remote diagnosis and preventive maintenance.

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