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Congrats to WISE-iEMS ECOWatch on achieving certification from TUV for ISO50001 Energy Management System

This certification demonstrates the strength and capability of iEMS/ECOWatch, which is comparable to the world's leading energy management products. It also highlights Advantech's commitment to innovation and product stability.

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  • Advantech’s IoT SaaS Platform Empowers Canadian Packaging Factory with Smart Applications

    Although upgrading to smart factories is already necessary for manufacturers to maintain their competitiveness, many of them remain hesitant to make the transition because of various challenges, including the high cost and difficulty of IoT implementation and need for dedicated maintenance staff.

  • Unleashing the Power of Smart Manufacturing with iFactory/OEE

    In the era of Industry 4.0, smart manufacturing has emerged as a crucial driver of global industrial transformation, presenting a new frontier of opportunities. The Executive Yuan’s initiatives aimed at supporting the adoption of smart technologies and promoting sustainable business models are poised to revolutionize the manufacturing sector.

  • Advancing Automotive Leaf Spring Manufacturing through Smart Manufacturing

    In the world of automotive manufacturing, precision and efficiency are paramount. With complex bills of materials (BOM) and multi-step assembly processes, any missing part or material can bring the entire production line to a standstill.

  • Creating Tailored Applications Across Diverse Manufacturing Scenarios with Advantech iFactory

    According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, one-third of global food production is lost or wasted each year. Developing countries in particular experience significant food losses throughout the production chain, with an estimated 30–40% of total production being lost before reaching the market.

  • EdgeSync 360/ EdgeHub - IoT Edge Device Management Platform

    EdgeSync 360/EdgeHub, also known as its EdgeHub, streamlines mass deployment and updates for software, Docker containers, firmware, operating systems, and Linux applications from cloud to edge. Users can remotely implement new software configurations across industrial plants or multiple pieces of equipment.

  • WISE-IoT Magazine Intelligent Retail 2023

    The impact of smart technology on retail stores continues to evolve. In this edition of WISE-IoT Intelligent Retail Magazine, we delve into the ongoing technological advancements in the retail sector. This publication covers important topics such as food safety, store management, and innovative retail technologies.

  • CHC Healthcare Group Accelerates HOR Development in Taiwan with Medical- Grade Solutions

    Chiu Ho Medical & Advantech established Hybrid Operating Rooms (HORs) in Taiwanese hospitals. Advantech's Smart Operating Room Solutions enhance precision, safety, and outcomes. Their flexibility and medical certification make them a top choice, improving Taiwan and Southeast Asia healthcare.

  • Advantech WISE-iEMS Assists Chuan Kai Electric to Move Toward Smart Energy

    Power transmission and distribution systems play a crucial role in the generation of energy, making the power industry essential for realizing sustainable, low-carbon growth and deploying intelligent energy solutions across various sectors.

  • Advantech WISE-iEMS Facilitates Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction Goals for YC Group

    Striving toward sustainable operations, YC Group, the renowned manufacturer of PVC and oriented polypropylene (OPP) tapes, has been promoting transformation in four areas: corporate governance, talent cultivation, operational transformation, and energy conservation and carbon reduction, committing to a people-centric corporate culture while proacti

  • Ernst & Young Joins Forces with Advantech to Pursue Environmental Sustainability

    "The collaboration between EY and Advantech will assist more companies in achieving carbon reduction goals and together realizing the vision for a net-zero planet."—Brian Lin, Vice President of ESG Strategy and Sustainability Services at E&Y

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